The Test

Sorry, i have technical issues with the game, so meanwhile you can visit THIS LINK!!! in order to see the demo showed here, be warned that the link is not in english, as it's NOT MY DEFAULT LANGUALGE XP

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008

Good and BAD news

Wanna the bad ones? No?, sorry but this is the frist one, the reasons?:


why you ask? the wii flash player is shit, adobe is an asshole lazy about
program on a TOO eficient way(the wii has low memory for it, believe it or not, since
this game is designed for being BIG! in the frist place!)


every youngster today's problem, i am not the exception, and well.... i lost alot of
interest on this i mean..i do have a life TOO...but well..long history to write here(TOO LOONG)

but hey! i wanna the good one you ask?

good that there is a good one, since i will use FLASH 8, 9 or 10 if im lucky!
meaning it can have cool graphical efects and everithing it can be done on flash
withow slowing a lot the game(maybe stuff done like in castlevania's DS games...whatever! if im not lazy again[90% sure of that]) well..its a big boost for now....what it can be done, it will be a surprise until you watch it(any help it's apreciated, as long that you CODE it! or teach me to do so...if you want)

well that's all 4 now...happy school days and....byebye...zzz

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