The Test

Sorry, i have technical issues with the game, so meanwhile you can visit THIS LINK!!! in order to see the demo showed here, be warned that the link is not in english, as it's NOT MY DEFAULT LANGUALGE XP

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Munch Job, such little free time

Sorry for not Updating, but I seriously NEED help get a job that doesn't quit me time to make stuff for starters. but Another thing I guess it MIGHT help is to be able to make my own Soundtrack....sort of..

So I was trying for myself how well I could do music again.

here's an example:

Do you know ANYONE interested/skilled enough to help me make remixes of popular VG songs in another VG style (preferably Pokémon Black/White Style). OR you know HOW to do it? OR you can teach me how? Any help will be appreciated!

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