The Test

Sorry, i have technical issues with the game, so meanwhile you can visit THIS LINK!!! in order to see the demo showed here, be warned that the link is not in english, as it's NOT MY DEFAULT LANGUALGE XP

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Considering options

It is easy to handle some things in GG maker, but the things I like to do appear to be the most difficult in GG maker; Bosses and a simple "step" to walk and not have to jump much.

If I can not find an effective solution to both problems, since I am in full time work and barely have time to advance to the game, I have to start again from 0 to Flash Player even though it is not as supported as before. (asdfsdfsadStarlingasdasda)

Well, the truth is more difficult to do the easy in Flash (levels and set the foundations of the game), but the hard thing is easy on flash (animate and program Super epic bosses), you understand me? well, never mind, the fact is that I am more clogged than usual.

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