The Test

Sorry, i have technical issues with the game, so meanwhile you can visit THIS LINK!!! in order to see the demo showed here, be warned that the link is not in english, as it's NOT MY DEFAULT LANGUALGE XP

sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

Finally back to action!

Hello there! I guess it's back in action time! so it's time to me to say that I finally decided to continue the series, despite the lack of time. Anyways, Gotta finish all what I started, and since the death of Iwata, may he rest in peace, "Welp, I never gonna end If I keep postponing like this" So there ya go, back to game creation, and since flash is pretty munch screwed since  HTML5 is badass in some ways, well, better grab some new tools. Hopefully, I can recreate or create a better gameplay for the game and make some interesting things I coudn't do before. So stay tuned, because I am Back in action!

You can guess which is my new tool of the trade. So stay tuned if anything new happens!

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